Post inspired by Corvida over on
Here are 5 Reasons to follow me (emcgillivray) over on Twitter and why Twitter is part of my relevant conversations.
1. You get an instant version of me, and I tend to share more of my interests in quick bursts than sitting down to write a blog post. You’ll see more of what you see here and at my other blogs, but Twitter is far more easy to share through.
2. I share out links that I find interesting and I think that you might too. Knowledge is power, after all. Even if that knowledge is chatter about the new Star Trek movie.
3. Many of my links come from friends, especially my Tweeple. I help my friends get heard beyond just their social circle.
4. I engage my tweeple and, in turn, we have conversations.
5. I recently got a G1 Android phone and started sharing photos from it on Twitter to help illustrate my life.
I’d love if you joined me over on Twitter or started following me if you’re over there already. Let the sharing began.
Glad I could inspire you and now I’m following you. Looking forward to your G1 Tweets too 🙂