Adventures in the Windy City

I went to Chicago last weekend. Jason’s cousin Heather was getting married and we took the time to have a mini-family reunion as it’d been a while since we’d seen Jason’s parents and brother. We then took part of Sunday and all of Monday for sight-seeing in Chicago proper. My full photo set.

Here’s some photography I took of Jason and his family. And then, of course, the photos of me were taken by others.

On Sunday, we headed into Chicago and went to the Lincoln Park Zoo. Lincoln Park’s a free zoo in the middle of the city. It was packed as the day was hot and everyone was outside. I love looking at animals, but wow, do people need some lessons on biology and not to be rude to animals.

Here are some random photos of Jason’s family and downtown Chicago:

We went to Millennium Park in downtown Chicago. It was so hot that everyone was playing under the water sculptures. I would’ve been too if I hadn’t been taking photos.

Then we headed over to the the Art Institute of Chicago Museum. We spent most of the day there. We didn’t even get to see it all; mostly because we had to get to our plane. I took a bunch of photos of what we did see however. I love art.

Overall, we had a really great time, and it was nice to see Jason’s family.

0 Replies to “Adventures in the Windy City”

  1. “…wow, do people need some lessons on biology and not to be rude to animals.”

    What happened?

    Last time we went to the zoo we overheard some idiots say “look at the peacock, isn’t she pretty” ?!?!

    1. That’s a good one, but I think we have you beat. We had four run-ins with people where they needed some sense knocked into them.

      1. Some adult guy threw garbage into the polar bear’s exhibit. I called him on it.

      2. Another adult guy started going on to his toddler about how this animal must be a walrus because it has tusks. Then random boy, about 10-years-old, informed him that “no, you dumbass, walruses live in the water. That’s a warthog.”

      3. Some kids were banging on the glass to wake up some sand cats, and Jason went to tell them to knock it off. (Jason had lost his voice.) So Jason’s dad went and scared them off.

      4. We were watching a pygmy hippo dive into the water, and some 30-something women started speculating on how it must have gills.

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