Oh, Kenzie, you are a woman after my heart. Shoes are very, very important. They are pretty and awesome. I’m with Kenzie that everyone needs to see her stems in those shoes. And I love that she’s dancing around in them.

Oh, Bo, your heart may be on the mend, but you’re not alone.

Disguises! So ridiculously fun!
Bingo night, for the win. Of course, Hale notices Kenzie’s shoes. He’s the always fashionable one. And then Lauren shows up.

Everyone’s there in time for someone to roofie their drinks. Trick really needs to put in a better security system. People are always sneaking in there. You’d think he’d at least have a guard dog or something. Crazy roofie dude — Reynard (Who’s naming these dark fae? I’d be super evil to just make up for that name.) — probably has something to do with all these fae rage fights, and I think our wacky friends are going to get a taste of it first hand.

Oooh, yeah, Trick is helping Lauren. “Drag queens” are actually the real two words that you need to make Bingo exciting, Lauren.

Ciara is a little jealous. Though Dyson didn’t give her all the details about Bo. Of course, he didn’t. Boys are dumb. Throw rocks at them.
And it’s a hick fae, Woods. Who’s hurting Hale. What a jerkbutt. How does Woods know that Reynard is there when Trick had no warning system? Is Reynard himself a roofie? Nope, his therapist’s Gorgon blood instead.

Kenzie and Hale snark is awesome.

Oh, no, Bo, you have to come back. (Actually, given that she’s the main character of the entire show, I’m not really worried that she won’t come back.) The creepy little girl has returned.

Woods is correct in that he’s the only one taking this seriously. Even Trick, who’s usually Mr. Serious about all Serious Fae Issues, is pretty laid back tonight. Maybe it’s part of the ‘we’re all acting odd so everyone’s going to suspect each other’ stitchk.

The fae are going extinct? Isabo… Her fate is to kill Trick? Not that she doesn’t have the right to be super pissed off when she finds out that he’s been hiding her story from her. Which is really the biggest problem with this show.

Kenzie knowing that’s the real Hale was great. Ciara really needed to know more about Bo and that she would never act like that. I do think this is some interesting insight into what succubi feel. Kenzie only needed two seconds to figure it out. But not very smart… Though I did love her calling Woods “Boba Fett.”
It’s the body switch episode! “I’ll get the name tags” is the best line ever, Trick.

Yes, Kenzie and Dyson switched bodies. Though I’m kind of sad that it wasn’t more random placement. OMG, Kenzie-as-Dyson is fabo. Of course, she puts her hand down his pants. (Wow, this is going to be a confusing episode to review.) And Hale-as-Ciara goes for the obvious, which Ciara rightly calls him out on.

Yeah, Reynard isn’t getting anywhere in Kenzie’s shoes or pants. (Oh, noes, this means Lauren’s kicked out!) While surprised Dyson-as-Lauren didn’t say anything earlier; he’s not as jump-the-gun as Kenzie being all “Reynard’s in Bo.”

Bo’s getting a talking to from Trick about “Nain Rogue.” Trick was pretty relaxed about that freak out. I know, crisis, but usually he’s like ‘spill it now’ and does that authority voice thing.
Guys, Lauren just left. While we were all worrying about Bo’s body.
Okay, the actor who plays Hale cannot do a UK accent. It’s really unspecific and awful.
Lauren’s deep rage is perhaps about her girlfriend? Dyson-as-Kenzie must go save the day. Hale and Kenzie’s first kiss can’t be when others are occupying their bodies and kissing each other.

Reynard sure talks to himself a lot. Seriously. Like the Ash’s guard wouldn’t know something was up. And dude, why do crazy people have to shake? They all don’t have Parkinson’s.

“Death sucked Ciara like an evil vacuum.”
Oh, bobbie pins, hair and thieves little helper. Though somehow I don’t think you’d be able to do that upon first try.
Okay, I know Reynard’s supposed to be a chaotic, anarchist, but seriously, killing the Light Fae Ash would give the Dark Fae a considerable leg up on the power struggle. I mean, Aife had a better chaos plot than that.
Oh, Kenzie’s big secret is that she needs glasses. See Kenzie’s awesome shoes saved the freaking day!
Now Woods is on mission number two. Cover the dark fae’s tracks. And oh, Woods, has two not-so-much men stopping him. Kenzie fighting as Dyson is the best thing ever. “Couple days of group therapy might flush out the Gorgon blood.” Lolz, Trick.
Did Trick’s spell make everyone high or something? They seem way to happy. Maybe it’s just happy to be in their own bodies. Mmm…cheesecake.
Awe. Now Ciara and Bo have a connection. And Dyson’s little speech to Kenzie was pretty sweet.

Trick just got that look on his face, Isabo.
New Ash is all pissy face. And what the hell, that’s his dead face in a box, right? What’s going on? (Of course, we don’t know what type of fae he is yet.)