I believe it’s the patriotic duty of every eligible citizen to vote. When I turned 18-years-old, I was so excited that I could vote, especially since I was 17-years-old when George W. was elected the first time. My frustration was paramount, especially since only 60% of voters voted in that election. To say I disagreed with Bush v. Gore decision was an understatement.
Deadlines to registrar to vote for the November 4th election are fast approaching. In Washington state, there’s 2 days left to register by mail and 17 to register in person. You can use this handy Google map to find the specifics for your state.
What’s scarier still is already registered voters have been purged from the system. Specifically in OH, LA, FL, MI, KS, NM, CO, and NV. These purged voters have largely been in swing states and lots of them have been targeted at traditionally black communities. Thanks to the internet, you can check the status of your voter’s registration. Hint: You want it to be active.
If you live in Washington state, like myself, you can both registar to vote and check your voter’s registration status online. It’s ridiculously easy.
And while, I have my own biases about the election, what I really want is for every eligible person to vote on November 4th and for every vote to be counted correctly. I want everyone to be informed and vote with his or her brain. (Not their heart, Ladies Home Journal.) Even if my preferred candidate doesn’t win, I want to be satisfied that the American people have spoken and this is what they said.