Sprinkles Around the Web 1/28-2/3/11

Sprinkles from around the web

Various links I enjoyed from around the internet.


GeekGirlCon: Power to the Geek Girls. Robb Orr on ComicBooked.com interviews me about GeekGirlCon.


Jane Espenson: Writer, sci-fi thriller, one nerdy lady. A great profile on Jane Espenson, who’s one of my favorite TV writers.

Follow That Marshmallow: A Ghostbusters Tour. This is pretty awesome. You know my cat is named after a Ghostbuster, right?

Bucky as the Winter Soldier
Bucky as the Winter Soldier as he is in Ed Brubakers Captain America

‘Captain America’ director: ‘Our Bucky isn’t a sidekick… there’s a darker edge’. Of course there is. Someone’s been reading Brubaker’s current run of Captain America.

Why I’m Not Speaking at PAX East 2011. In case you haven’t been reading, Penny Arcade started selling rape joke t-shirts. Pulled the “it’s just a joke” and then took them down when everyone got really mad. Failboat. Especially for a company that runs a con where they try to make it safe for women.


Auctions!. Check out GeekGirlCon’s geeky auctions. All proceeds go to support GeekGirlCon.


Why Female Politicians Are More Effective. Of course, we are. We have to be 2 and 1/2 times better than any man at our “non-traditional” jobs in order to prove ourselves and prove that women can do these things.

The House GOP’s Plan to Redefine Rape. This just makes me see red.

Drugged, raped, and pregnant? Too bad. Republicans are pushing to limit rape and incest cases eligible for government abortion funding.

Hawaii Senate Passes Civil Unions. Huzzah. Civil rights for everyone is awesome.

Proposed Arizona law targets “birthright” citizenship. Arizona continues to earn it’s place as the shame of the nation. Seriously, this just screams that they hate brown people.

What’s Happening in Egypt Explained (UPDATED). In case you’ve been living under a rock.

Recipes (I want to make.)


Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results. Oh, snap. There needs to more competition in search and less copying.


Dinosaur Comics explains infinite worlds. There are many, many T-Rexs. And they’re immortal.

A fizzy ocean on Enceladus. Not only is this ocean underground, it’s also fizzy like soda pop. How awesome is that!

Scientists working to grow meat in labs. Now this is when science starts to scare me. I saw this episode of Better Off Ted, and the meat tasted like despair.


Tunisia, Egypt, Miami: The Importance of Internet Choke Points. This is how you turn off the internet.

Zuckerberg’s Page Hacked, Now Facebook To Offer “Always On” HTTPS. Well, now we all know how to make Facebook actually care about security. Maybe we can do so for privacy too?

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