Things that I found that were interesting around the web. Your mileage may vary.
4 Lesser-Known Conferences That Deserve Your Attention in 2013
Heck, yes, MozCon got a shout-out! 🙂 Plus, quote by me.
Introducing Moz Reader!
I love working for such an amazing company like SEOmoz. I’ve been so bummed about Google Reader shutting down, but guess what, we stepped up and created the Moz Reader! I’m really thrilled. (If you’re wondering where I was, I was in NYC instead of in the video.)
Cute Animals
Adventure Kitten Gear
Okay, REI wins with the adorable as they have all your adventure kitten gear.
Baby hedgehogs
OMG baby hedgehogs have giant ears!
On Not Mourning Your Failures & Overcoming Burn-Out with Brad Feld
On how to think more about your life for the long-term as an entrepreneur.
Anything That Loves: Comics Beyond “Gay” and “Straight”
Definitely an awesome Kickstarter for a comic anthology about romantic love that goes beyond “straight” or “gay.”
Renee Montoya to Return to DC Comics?
Will they just bring Renee back already? She completely deserves the Question mantel.
Women In Comics: Simonson, Nocenti Talk Marvel & Gender Roles in Comics
A great interview with Simonson and Nocenti about their early days in comics and today and reflections on gender and writing female characters.
Seattle’s Museum of Flight opens exhibit of Wonder Woman’s Invisible Plane
LOL. Awesome.
The Beginnings of #CONsent
A great project to stop sexual harassment of cosplayers.
For The Boy In Heart-Shaped Glasses (Husbands)
I love this so much. Jane and Brad are the best.
The Hawkeye Initiative: Cosplay is political
An interview with Blatsuura, the cosplayer who live acted the Hawkeye Initiative at Emerald City Comicon.
GeekGirlCon is Looking for Vendors and Exhibitors!
For GeekGirlCon ’13.
David Bowie – The Stars (Are Out Tonight) Video
Love the meta in this video with David Bowie and Tilda Swinton.
Sheryl Sandberg is the ultimate good girl careful not to upset those in power
Sandberg’s “Lean In” may be too much of a riches to riches as you play by the rules story.
Things You Think Aren’t Sexist, But Really Are
Ruth tells it like it is.
Forking and Dongle Jokes Don’t Belong At Tech Conferences
Because we need to be inclusive and live inclusion. “Live a good life, then make room for others.”
Losing my religion for equality by Jimmy Carter
An amazing call from former President Jimmy Carter to end discrimination against women based on religion, including the personal steps he’s taken in to follow this mission.
Jon Hamm Is Being Treated Like an Actress, and He Hates It
I found this article so fascinating. And a great example how we need everyone stopping this kind of objectification, not just people who subjected to it or assume it’s a “woman’s” problem, it’s a people problem.
Femen Stages a ‘Topless Jihad’
And the rest of the world continues while we worry about Facebook Home.
Inbound Marketing
Is There Life Beyond Rankings?
Dr. Pete teaches us what’s most important in for our marketing analytics.
How I use Followerwonk, and Why I Love It
Dig into your Twitter followers.
How Search Works – The Story – Google
So very interesting. Good facts about spam fighting.
Micro Data & Guide To Generating Rich Snippets
Great resource for implementation.
How To Track Image Search In Google Analytics
This is pretty awesome to track your images when they show up in universal image results.
This is such a cool idea to get crowd-sourced info and sharing of information for web development. We need something like this in web marketing too.
How to Live Tweet Like a Pro
A great guide from Ruth, who’s a conference tweeting pro.
Attract Customers to Your Community with Content
Yes, this is how you create content with your community in mind. Get them engaged by doing something interesting.
Why You Should Map Out Your Site’s Information Architecture
Stephanie gives great tips on the hows and whys of making your site’s information architecture. I’ve found there are numerous headaches that doing this can save you from.
Effective Use of Social Media as a Customer Service Channel
Love this so much. Social media should work with customer service.
The Ultimate Guide to the MozBar SEO Extension for Chrome & Firefox
A great dive into the MozBar, an essential tool for any SEO.
“Like”-able Content: Spread Your Message with Third-Party Metadata
How meta data for social networks helps you spread your content better.
How to Build Authority Within Your Industry
A great guide for getting your name out there in your industry and niche.
11 Tips I Gave to Marketers this Morning
#5 cracks me up. But you know, very solid advice.
How to Get Your Guest Post Published
Love these simple, but true, guidelines for getting your guest blog published.
Why I’m quitting SEO
Interesting discussion on how SEO is perceived and how people are changing mindsets, especially when it comes to spammy tactics and not wanting to look like black hatters.
So You Want to Be a Paid Speaker? Six Unforgettable Tips
Such great tips, and plenty of things that I need to employe myself.
The UX of Community in Contested Space
Loved this piece about sexism in the world and how community codes of conduct are needed.
Is That So Hard?
Love what this says about teaching, being humble, and how different people are brilliant at different things.
Are You Really Cut Out For Change Work?
Yes, this a zillion times over. Change work is hard. To be innovative and to do something no one else is doing, but should, is incredibly challenging.
What To Expect After You Become a Seasoned Traveler
A wonderful travel blog about how we’re perceived by others and ourselves.
How People Sit in Meetings and What it Really Means
This is too funny.
Becoming your story
Love this as how one perceives yourself in the world (or versus the world) is so powerful.
Rethinking Unpopular: Erika Napoletano at TEDxBoulder 2012
Love this talk about how unpopularity might be the way to go.
LGBT Issues
Ask An Anthropologist about Marriage
Love this as I’m not a huge fan of marriage as a concept and idea; however, there’s no basis whatsoever to deny consenting adults who want to get married based upon their genders.
The Strategy Behind the Viral Red Marriage Equality Campaign
This is super interesting.
You Can Support Equality Without Being Into Marriage
I felt like I needed to write a post like this, and then I read Nico’s and realized that someone already had. Go read this.
Why “Asshole” Is High Praise—and Other Anatomy Lessons With Mary Roach
ĂśbrLocal, uberWallingford
Super cool local sourcing idea. I love it.
In wake of Newtown missteps, journalists get guidelines
The AP is finally going to have guidelines around how journalists can talk about mental illnesses.
25 Ways To Be A Happy Writer (Or, At Least, Happier)
Yes to all of this. Now to motivate myself to get writing!