French Onion Soup

When I went to France 10 years ago, I sat in a little restaurant on top of a hill and had French Onion Soup to die for. Now, 16-year-old me wasn’t really into food. In fact, I had so many new-to-me food allergies that I didn’t know what to do and I wasn’t used to eating anything that wasn’t frozen and bought at Costco. But ever since then, I’ve been a fan of French Onion Soup.

This recipe is original from Cookography where they call it the Best French Onion Soup Ever, and while I still think that restaurant beat this (but that could be me romanticizing my Europe trip), I do think this is damn good soup. Jason thought it was little labor intensive — I made him stir a lot –, but from what I’ve read about French Onion Soup, this recipe is actually an easier one to make. Though Jason did admit that delicious soup was worth that little extra labor every once-in-a-while.

French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup
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Asparagus with Balsamic Butter Sauce and Fried Tofu with Honey BBQ Sauce

This was a meal that I sliced and diced together. Or maybe pasted in a better word: Baked Asparagus with Balsamic Butter Sauce recipe, Tex Asian BBQ Tofu recipe (my recipe so does not look like Chef Erik’s picture as I rather just used the frying instructions), and Honey BBQ Sauce recipe I’m not a big fan of bbq sauce and neither is Jason, so I had to resort to making my own. This is a true what’s in the fridge today meal.

Asparagus with Balsamic Butter Sauce and Fried Tofu with Honey BBQ Sauce

Asparagus with Balsamic Butter Sauce
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Sunshine Cookies

When we go grocery shopping, Jason always tries to buy cookies. Usually, I tell him no and he puts them back. Of course, then I bake him cookies as it’s cheaper, they taste better, and they tend to have less sugar so I can enjoy them too.

In our Halloween card, my maternal grandma included $5, saying to use the money to buy Jason cookies. Apparently, she was very offended on Jason’s behalf that I didn’t indulge his cookie-buying whim.

Grandma, here are some cookies I made for Jason. He is not deprived of delicious cookies.

Sunshine Cookie

The original recipe is from Melissa.

Sunshine Cookies
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