Lentil Soup

As a vegetarian, lentils are one of my favorite non-soy sources of protein. They are incredibly flexible; however, the staples, like this Lentil Soup, are still wonderful classics. Almost every culture has a version of lentil soup. Serve it up with a good piece of bread and you’ve got a good meal.

Lentil Soup
Lentil Soup

Lentil Soup
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Spinach Enchiladas

I’m a big fan of Enchiladas. I grew up on my mom’s enchiladas, but now that I’m a vegetarian, I have to search for non-meat alternatives. I even held an enchilada off with her before her wedding this summer: my eggplant almond ones vs. her chicken ones. But people were scared of eggplant. Yes, it’s a purple vegetable, people, a delicious purple vegetable.

And in trying something different, I made this spinach enchilada, based on this recipe. While the original recipe was low-fat, I added a bunch of cheese and made it bad for you. But delicious. It was, however, really runny and messy to eat. When re-heating, I added rice to soak up some of the juices.

Spinach Enchiladas

Spinach Enchiladas
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