Raise your hands if you think the first two episodes should’ve been condensed into one? *raises hand* There was a lot of set-up, which maybe I’m just antsy because I’ve read the books so I kind of know the major plots. Or just where they are most likely headed. Or maybe there just hasn’t been enough naked Eric.
Thus, friends, you get an extremely short review.
Things I liked:
I’m so glad that Eric didn’t rape Sookie or try to force the issue of her being his further than buying her a new microwave.
Lafayette acknowledges Eric is a scary motherfucker. But he still teams up with the witches.
Knowing what happened between Bill and Sophie Ann. Even if the whole ‘let’s take her out with bullets’ felt anti-climatic. Of course, I suppose in Bill’s last fight with a woman, he twisted her neck backwards as he fucked her. Yuck.
Eric shirtless.
Things I didn’t like:
Jessica getting her fun on with a fangbanger. Seriously, you’re bored of Hoyt already? Sweetie, you’re immortal.
Not enough Pam. Though there never is.
Everything about Bill being a punk rocker. I could see every wrinkle on his face when he was seducing the bartender. Hated everything except Moyer using his actual accent; I cringed as he went from British to Southern. SUUUUUUCKY.
OMG, so over the panthers and Hotshot and Jason.
Tara seems to revert back into old Tara two sentences after coming back to Bon Temps.