Birds of Prey #4, #5, and #6 Comic Book Reviews

Comic book reviews for Birds of Prey #4, Birds of Prey #5, and Birds of Prey #6 by Duane Swierczynski
Average rating: 2.6/5 stars

Birds of Prey #4 Birds of Prey #5 Birds of Prey #6

Erica gives this comic three starsBirds of Prey #4 by Duane Swierczynski
Art: Jesus Saiz

I was all aboard with this issue. I loved watching BoP in action and finally making some headway and smart decisions about fighting their invisible villains. And I was completely thrilled to see Batgirl join the team. Then it happened; they went into the headquarters of the villains with invisible suits and then wondered why they didn’t see them and were suddenly surrounded by empty suits.

Dumb. Beyond dumb. Not a single one of them really thought about this ahead of time. Okay, Ev brought her little flashlight thing, but this was not a plan well thought through.

Otherwise, I enjoyed this book a lot more than the first ones. I liked how Ev breaking her hand on Dinah showed how much she did care about her and more about their friendship. I liked that Ivy pulled through and stopped the bus with her branches. I liked that Katana continued to be kind of nutty, while fighting on top of speeding trains.

All this was fun. Until the ending.

Erica gives this comic two starsBirds of Prey #5 by Duane Swierczynski
Art: Jesus Saiz

Wait, who saw them all forgetting coming? Oh, yeah, that was super obvious. Boring.

I’m glad that despite not liking them that Babs is still noble enough to help out and knows that some funky business is going on.

I’m interested to learn more about Ev. Who her girlfriend (or ex that she can’t stay away from) is, and why these guys seem to be particularly interested in her. (Though that could be because they couldn’t take down Dinah when they tried.)

Ivy making deals with the devil doesn’t surprise me.

I hope Katana gets more screentime.

Erica gives this comic three starsBirds of Prey #6 by Duane Swierczynski
Art: Javier Pina

This is getting better. I’m glad that Swierczynski brought the story in with both Ev’s and Brendan’s stories about memory loss. Choke’s plans being discovered by the Birds of Prey crew were just not connecting me with the characters. It’s starting too, and I hope that it continues.

I like that they’ve been working on saving people and rehabilitating them one by one. But wow, do they really need an Oracle-type character to help them out.

But I think my favorite thing is that when the entire company comes after them that they’re pretty confident about kicking ass and taking down Choke.

Follow BoP on their adventures, buy Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Trouble in Mind.

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