Black Magick #4 and #5 Comic Book Reviews

Comic book reviews for Black Magick #4 and Black Magick #5 by Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott
Average rating: 4.5/5 stars

Black Magick #4 Black Magick #5

Erica Gives This Comic Four StarsBlack Magick #4 by Greg Rucka
Art: Nicola Scott

Alex is in over her head, especially if Morgan invited Rowan over for dinner and she doesn’t show up in time. I do very much hope that she lives. I adore that they made Alex a teacher.

I’m curious about how much, if anything, Morgan knows about Rowan and Alex being witches. Particularly because he seems very tolerant of her odd behavior (even if you factor in the current terribleness that happened to her). His comment about doing routine police work was telling. Or maybe a red herring and he does just actually care about her.

It is interesting to see police officers investigate a murder from someone who’s not a good person. This dead guy with the missing hand sounds pretty awful.

Erica gives this comic five starsBlack Magick #5 by Greg Rucka
Art: Nicola Scott

Okay, there were a couple things I didn’t see coming, and that just makes this book really enjoyable. I appreciate being surprised every once in awhile. Not to mention, there are moves in this issue which will take the story to the next stage.

First, I didn’t expect Anna to be so great. She jumped off the page between how Rucka wrote her and Nicola drew her. I kind of expected that she might also be a centuries old witch. But maybe not. Anna definitely had a sisterly vibe with Rowan, which was downright sweet. Especially in a book with so much violence and death.

I’m so happy to see that Rowan got to Alex in time. Love that she uses her badge and her gun in her magic. It fits perfectly with being a cop. Of course, Rowan would imbue her every day objects with magic.

Stepan sure stands out in the community. Between his haircut and his body language, he’s going to start attracting some attention. A lot of it. Rowan isn’t going to miss him. Of course, Stepan may not want her to, especially if he’s asking around about witch groups.

It was smart that Alex’s and Rowan’s battle against the demon lady was in another dimension. It added more layers.

And wow, those last pages. Shit just got real. Of course, there’s a giant cliffhanger, and the book’s going on hiatus. Which saddens me a bit, even if I’m real excited about Rucka and Scott’s Wonder Woman.

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