Queer Comic Book Character: Jack Harkness (Oct 31st)

Jack got his start on Doctor Who as a companion in the first or 27th season, depending how you count. He was so popular that his character had his own adult-themed spin-off Torchwood. His character has his own comic books as well. Captain Jack Harkness is from the 51st century, and he’d been a time traveler long before he met up with the Doctor and Rose. He’s also a flirt. Jack’s charming and omnisexual.

Jack Harkness

Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness

Jack grew up on the Boeshane Peninsula in the 51st century. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Jack Harkness (Oct 31st)”

Queer Comic Book Character: Chili Storm (Oct 30th)

Chili Storm got her start in the Millie the Model comics in 1945. She was Millie Collins’ sometimes competitor, sometimes enemy, sometimes companion, and sometimes friend. Filling in whatever role the writers needed to put her in.

Chili Storm

Chili Storm
Chili Storm

Chili started out as a modern model stereotype and the antithesis of Millie. When Millie was kind, Chili was self-serving. When Millie was humble about being a model, Chili was vain. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Chili Storm (Oct 30th)”

Queer Comic Book Character: Orlando (Oct 29th)

Thinking about putting Orlando into my queer comic book character month celebration actually made me put the Naked Justice in yesterday. The version of Orlando (literary character created by Virginia Woolf) I’ll be discussing is the one in Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

And while it came be argued that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is not light reading, it is also extremely adult and erotic in nature. It just doesn’t usually get shelved in the cage with other erotic comic books. (Seriously, there’s a comic store where the adult comics are housed in a cage.)


Orlando leads the way with zi's sword.
Orlando leads the way with zi's sword.

As in Woolf’s novel, Orlando is a gender-changing immortal. Zi is also omnisexual and doesn’t waste an opportunity to go to an orgy. Or get into a sword-fight. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Orlando (Oct 29th)”

Queer Comic Book Character: Naked Justice (Oct 28th)

Normally, I keep this blog pretty PG-13. Or more that I just don’t talk about explicitly erotic comic books. However, I couldn’t resist throwing in the Naked Justice by Patrick Fillion because those comics books are campy, porny fun. And they do a perfect job at mocking the ideal superhero. But don’t get me wrong, he still shoots a laser out of his giant penis.

Naked Justice

Naked Justice
Naked Justice

The Naked Justice is Felix Himner, who went on vacation to Egypt with his parents. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Naked Justice (Oct 28th)”

Queer Comic Book Character: Thunder (Oct 27th)

Anissa Pierce aka Thunder is the daughter of Black Lightening. She is a medical student, and her father does not want her to become a superhero and instead continue with her studies. After graduation, Anissa puts on her costume and a wig and goes out to fight as Thunder. She’s recruited almost right away by the Red Arrow to be part of the Outsiders.



Thunder has the power to increase her mass, while maintaining her volume. When she does this, she’s nearly immovable and almost invulnerable. Thunder also can create shock-waves while stomping on the ground. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Thunder (Oct 27th)”

Queer Comic Book Character: Thundra (Oct 26th)

Thundra is something of Marvel’s answer to feminism, in an attempt to mock or make fun of it. At least in her beginnings in the early 1970s. Thundra’s a Femizon from an alternative universe 23rd century Earth which is ruled by women. Thundra is the leader of her people and has had military training since the age of 8. With the help of genetic engineering, she has super strength, speed, stamina, and agility. Thundra is without a doubt, the muscle.



Thundra first comes to Marvel’s continuity time-traveling to fight the Thing. She believes the Thing to be history’s strongest man, and she wants to kick his butt. Thundra does so in hopes that she’ll prove once and for all that women are superior to men and prevent the male-dominated Machus dimension from coming about. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Thundra (Oct 26th)”

Queer Comic Book Character: Mystique (Oct 25th)

Mystique may have made her first appearance in only 1978 (Ms. Marvel #16), but she’s a very popular villain and appears in many X-Men comic books. She’s a mutant with shape-shifting abilities. Luckily for her, Mystique’s shape-shifting rejuvenates her cells and stops her from aging. She’s also a highly trained terrorist and spy.



Mystique has a long and sordid history fighting with various versions of Magento’s Brotherhood of Mutants against both anti-mutant human organizations and the X-Men. Though through everything she’s done, Mystique seems to believe that she’s doing it for the good of mutant kind. She wants them to survive as a species.

Mystique is portrayed as having male and female lovers. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Mystique (Oct 25th)”

Queer Comic Book Characters: Satsu (Oct 24th)

Satsu appears in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic book. She’s Japanese, and she’s an out lesbian. Satsu quickly became one of the best fighters and one of Buffy’s favorite new Slayers.



Satsu falls in love with Buffy. When Buffy’s put under a magical sleeping spell, it is Satsu’s true love’s kiss that awakens her. No one knows who woke up Buffy, including the audience, until Buffy herself figures it out by Satsu cinnamon lip gloss. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Characters: Satsu (Oct 24th)”

Queer Comic Book Characters: Grace Choi (Oct 23rd)

Grace Choi is part Bana Amazon and metahuman. She has super strength, durability, and healing powers. Grace has mostly appeared in DC’s The Outsiders. She’s pretty distinct as a 7-foot-tall Asian American woman with many tattoos. Grace is known to date both men and women.

Grace Choi

Grace Choi
Grace Choi

As a child, Grace was caught in a prostitution ring. When her metahuman powers developed, she escaped her slavery. Before she was recruited by the Outsiders, she worked as a bouncer in Metropolis. Thankfully, this is where Grace’s horrible stereotype of a childhood ends and she comes into her own as an adult.

On the team, Grace is the muscle. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Characters: Grace Choi (Oct 23rd)”