My Solo Exchange Diary Vol 2 by Nagata Kabi
This is a sequel to My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness, which off the top, I liked the first one better. And no, this doesn’t have to do with the lower amount of content about sex and sex work. Perhaps I read My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness during a down moment in my own life and could better identify with the loneliness and depression throughout the book.
My Solo Exchange Diary continues to cover loneliness and depression, plus Nagata’s struggles to move from her parents’ home and the changes in her career. This book expands on the career component when it comes to her being out of the closet with her parents and honest about the sexually explicit nature of her work, how she speaks about her family, and in general, being a lesbian. Anyone who’s ever written autobiographical content has struggled with this. It’s extremely pivotal for Nagata that she’s able to move away from her parents’ house and get out from under that dynamic as her family reads and experiences her work. Continue reading “My Solo Exchange Diary Vol 2 Graphic Novel Review”