iZombie (vol 2): uVampire by Chris Roberson
Art: Michael Allred
iZombie continues to be packed with a lot of different storylines and tales to tease out of it. Allred’s art is still beyond awesome, and one of the most enjoyable parts of the book.
I love the story about Gwen as a human, which worked as both nice insight into her pre-death (definitely not one who believed in monsters) and as an introduction to Tricia, her former best friend.
The entire story of Spot and his grandfather Marvin was a little weak. As much as I appreciated backstory on Spot, it was a little too much all at once. We found out about Spot’s childhood, his entire relationship with his grandfather, how he became a wereterrier, and how he met Gwen and Ellie.
I’m still not quite sure why Spot didn’t go to Ellie earlier about advice for Marvin. Sure, Ellie’s possession and moving about in bodies is a new trick that John taught her. However, she is a ghost, so she might, you know, know a few things about ghosts. Well, it’s not like Spot’s the sharpest tack in the box.
From the title, I expected there to be more plot about Nemia and her vampire gals. I suppose they did have a fight with Horatio and Diogenes and some kidnapping. Plus, Claire died and was brought back from the dead to be undead again by Galatea.
Speaking of Galatea, I’m really liking her so far. She kind of reminds me of Lilah Morgan from Angel. I just hope she becomes a more rounded character and doesn’t die off like Lilah did. I’m kind of in love with her wearing wellies all the time. Which is perfect for Eugene.
Speaking of Eugene, University of Oregon’s campus was perfectly done by Allred. I’ve been there several times as my family’s from Eugene and I toured the campus while considering going there. (Went to the University of Puget Sound instead.) Allred really captured the look of it, and I hope to see other iconic Eugene scenes being incorporated into iZombie.
I thought Tricia’s reaction to Gwen still being alive was kind of anti-climatic. Perhaps I expected her to freak out just a little bit more. I’m really surprised that Gwen decided to visit her brother. That’s just like asking for trouble.
I’m really looking forward to the next volume.