My attention to comics the past six months was wanning. I moved to Seattle and left behind my local comic book store, Atomic Comics. My comics friends moved away and, in some cases, completely out of my life.
Because of this, I gained a new life outside the comforting white noise of my computer and reading comics. So much so that I turned in my mod-ing cape over at and put to rest or added other people to my other online activities. I stopped reading comic blogs. I stopped debating. I stopped reading several titles. I was even behind on She-Hulk.
However, I did manage to go to Comic-Con in San Diego with amaresu and meet Dan Slott (plus other authors). I think he thought I was 12, given my tendency to wear pig-tails, and showed me some of the early art for his last few issues of She-Hulk.
My slump ended when I met this boy.
That’s always how this story starts, doesn’t it. It’s like my dirty secret is my comic life started and re-started because of boys. Though I maintain my integrity in that I’ll listen to suggestions on what to read, but I always pick it myself, even if I get made fun of. And I have.
So the boy, he loves comics. He’d also kind of fallen away in his move across the United States. He agrees with me that we still haven’t found a comic book store in the Seattle area we really like. It’s a need for a mixture of customer service and stock – both new and old – that we’re still searching for.
Did I mention there’s not a comic store within 12 miles of my house? And I live in Seattle proper.
My boy knows my love of She-Hulk. He’s also good with the e-Bay. For my birthday and Yule, he presented me with a good portion of The Sensational She-Hulk and She-Hulk’s time with The Fantastic Four, among other things. I have a lot of reading to do.
And some catching up. I’m still not sure what to think about Peter David’s voyage into the title.
What I do know is that I’m almost finished reading the entire run of The Savage She-Hulk in an essential volume and the boy is bidding on e-Bay so I can tell just what color the She-Hulk robot in #3 is.