Bendis’ Avengers Disassembled

I do enjoy how nicely this sets up for Slott’s run.

However, I was not thrilled that all the women – She Hulk, Wasp, and Captain Britain – were take out of the running right away. I don’t see Jen as that fearful of the hulk taking her over the way that it does Bruce. And while it’s a comment on how hulk powers can get completely out of the control – and how really dumb it is to have the Hulk, as in Bruce, on a team – it’s not dumb to have Jen. Her powers manifest as yes, a little too carefree of an individual and too much a party girl, but she still maintains the human mind.

That and I think Jen’s gotten more pissed about other things besides a teammate’s death if she was going to lose control over something. Starfox, anyone?

So yes, she can lose control, but the Scarlet Witch took it to an extreme. I’ll admit that my She-Hulk-as-an-Avenger canon isn’t that solid, so there may have been forward shadowing. But I still think it was an easy elimination.

At least, Ms. Marvel came back in to represent for the women.

It’s also interesting that She Hulk uses Jen as a cover when she needs her.

Shulkie Debates

The last issues of She Hulk has caused an uproar. (Because life has been kicking my ass, I have not actually got around to reading the issue and don’t want to weigh in until I have.) However, I have links.

Brainfreeze talks about #16

Other Magazine on #16: The guy who never bathes calls She-Hulk “sloppy.” Ohhhh kay…

Ragnell talks about Where She Hulk Lost Me

Mildredmilton response to Ragnell with She-Hulk, Sexual Assault, and Why I Think Dan Slott Did a Good Job

Rhyannonwrites questions Where She Hulk is going in terms of sexuality and being a competent, smart woman.

Iamza discusses her problems with the current plot in response to Rhyannonwrites.

Sensational News

Cage Pushes For She-Hulk

That’s right. Little Nicky Cage wants to make a She Hulk movie. He was inspired by doing the Ghost Rider film and wants to cast his co-star Eva Mendes as Jen.

I have mixed feelings because, on one hand, yay She Hulk!, and the other, I’m not so solid about Cage’s recent movie attempts – actor, directorial, or otherwise. And I haven’t seen Eva in something that would be a good rating of her acting skills. Though she is pretty.

Swinebread blogs Savage She Hulk Sensations – a lovely tribute his love to She Hulk and why Slott’s run is the only current Marvel comic he’s reading.

In other news, I took my She Hulk action figure to work today. Everyone thought she was pretty awesome as I perched her on my barking dog machine.

She Hulk #15 – Planet Without a Hulk







This is obviously a set up issue for the Planet Without a Hulk arc.

Jen’s super stressed with 1) her separation; 2) lack of reading S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fine print; 3) cleaning up the Hulk’s villains; and 4) having the feeling like something is missing in her life. At this point, I’m guessing that Jen’s supposed to be thinking that she’s missing John, being in love with John, and her regular job and friends. (I missed the support cast this week, especially with Awesome Andy’s and Pug’s heartbroken arcs. Maybe they’re drinking tequila somewhere and putting quarters in the jukebox to listen to Pasty Cline.) Jen acts in her normal stressed out ways of 1) work-work-work; 2) calling and ignoring Dr. Samson; and 3) having sex. Even she knows that Quartermain’s lame.

Slott’s meta-ing about the Hulk form. Abomination sees himself as ugly on the inside and reflects that on the outside in Hulk form. Samson, of course, asks Jen how she views herself. But I also wonder if it’s wanting to see yourself a certain way. Jen is super-attractive and does what she pleases as Hulk. She gets laid, parties, and kicks ass. It’s also interesting that she has more of her brain there when she’s Hulked compared to Bruce and other Hulk characters. I think it’s great continuity to the first issues of Slott’s first one where Wasp and the Scarlet Witch tell Jen that she’s the only woman they know who doesn’t want to be a size two.

In many ways, as a Hulk, Jen has it all. She has her brains, beauty, and brawns. She doesn’t have to walk the streets and worry that anyone will mess with her. Yes, she more likely to get into trouble as She Hulk, but she can still defend herself. She isn’t the “little woman”, which is the big issue in her relationship with John, who wants a little woman, not one who can swing around lampposts.

Slott also broke the fourth wall in #15 with Agent Cheesecake. Besides the name, she’s dressed in a revealing uniform with super high heels. (This is in contrast with Jen’s S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform that’s toe to neck covered with more sensible shoes.) She says, “I’m not a doll. I’m an LMD. Life. Model. Decoy. Programmed for Seduction Combat and Retrieval.” It’s interesting here that she’s taking out human tugs who are looting what Abomination has smashed and a town S.H.I.E.L.D. has halted. I find her a rather amusing comment on comics, and I am amused that she’s still more practical in depiction concerning her actions to apprehend the looters than many female superheros are drawn.

Cover: Cool in design and color wise. However, the eye is drawn directly to She Hulk’s breasts, which Horn needs to think about how boobs work when flying through the air. Hint: they need more support than that.

Writing: Slott’s pretty typical here. I’m disappointed that there’s not even hints about the supporting casts and their issues.

Art: Fun and action-adventure-y.

Overall: A solid issue, but leaves me wishing I had the next one to satisfy my reading urge.


Welcome to my blog about comic books. I’m a giant geek who does many geeky things, and one of those things is review comic books. I love She-Hulk, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Batwoman, and the Midnighter. My opinions are all my own, and I love comic books, even when I hate them. Because it’s okay to like problematic things, as long as you acknowledge the problems and want them to get better.

And I want comic books to get better.

If you enjoy my writing, you should check out this book I’m in called Chicks Dig Comics: A Celebration of Comic Books by the Women Who Love Them
. It also has some other nifty ladies (and a few men) who really love comics too.