Queer Comic Book Character: Thundra (Oct 26th)

Thundra is something of Marvel’s answer to feminism, in an attempt to mock or make fun of it. At least in her beginnings in the early 1970s. Thundra’s a Femizon from an alternative universe 23rd century Earth which is ruled by women. Thundra is the leader of her people and has had military training since the age of 8. With the help of genetic engineering, she has super strength, speed, stamina, and agility. Thundra is without a doubt, the muscle.



Thundra first comes to Marvel’s continuity time-traveling to fight the Thing. She believes the Thing to be history’s strongest man, and she wants to kick his butt. Thundra does so in hopes that she’ll prove once and for all that women are superior to men and prevent the male-dominated Machus dimension from coming about. She’s also manipulated by the Wizard into joining the Frightful Four. However, Thundra and the Thing’s fight is interrupted by Mahkizmo, who comes to put her on trail for stealing his time-travel equipment.

Thundra fights the Thing
Thundra goes toe-to-toe with the Thing.

The Fantastic Four discover that Thundra’s not such a bad person after all and follow her back to her timeline. They help her and the Femizons expel the Machus back to their own dimension. At one point, Thundra tries to get the Thing to marry her as she decides he’s the only male she respects. (What I think the authors really wanted was for her to use him for stud-service, but there was the Comics Code Authority to think about.)

Thundra's proposal to the Thing.
Thundra's proposal to the Thing. Such romance.

Thundra goes back and forth between the Femizon world and Earth-616, the main Marvel universe. She gets stuck in Earth-616 for quite a while. Thundra joins She-Hulk’s Lady Liberators. She hits on She-Hulk and tries to get drunk with Valkyrie. (Thundra seems to have a thing for Hulks.) The Lady Liberators also try to take down the Red Hulk, during his rampages.

She-Hulk #34: Thundra is disappointed that She-Hulk doesn't like girls
She-Hulk #34: Thundra is disappointed that She-Hulk doesn't like girls

Mostly recently, Thundra’s shown to have received help from both the Red Hulk and her daughter Lyra in order to get back to her world. They both help her with her dimensional travel device. Of course, the catch being that Thundra took some of Hulk’s DNA to impregnate herself with and have Lyra.

Thundra fights with her daughter because they each think the other has gone evil.
Thundra fights with her daughter because they each think the other has gone evil.

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