Queer Comic Book Characters: Daria Hernandez (Oct 5th)

Daria is a pastry chef and the girlfriend of Renee Montoya. Created by Greg Rucka, she first appeared in Gotham Central during the “Half a Life” arc when Renee was outed by Two-Face to her coworkers on the police force.

Daria Hernandez

Daria Hernandez
Daria Hernandez

While she doesn’t appear very often, Daria serves as Renee’s emotional support. She stands by Renee as Two-Face targets her, as she deals with homophobic coworkers, and rejection by her parents.

Renee and Daria kissing
Renee and Daria kissing: the photo which outed Renee to her coworkers and family.

Eventually, Daria breaks up with Renee as Renee falls deeper into depression and drinking.

I hope that Daria reappears some day. And that she gets a storyline that’s about herself, not just Renee’s demons. There needs to be more queer characters in comic books, and when one falls through the pages (which made sense to Renee’s storyline), they need to be brought back.

Meet Daria and read one of my all-time favorite comic books, buy Gotham Central Book One by Greg Rucka and Ed Brubaker. Plus, support this blog.

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