Review The Incredible Hulk #604-606 and backups

Comic book reviews for The Incredible Hulk #604 by Greg Pak, All New Savage She-Hulk by Fred Van Lente, The Incredible Hulk #605 by Greg Pak, All New Savage She-Hulk by Fran Van Lente, The Incredible Hulk #606 by Greg Pak, and The Right Direction by Harrison Wilcox

The Incredible Hulk #604 The Incredible Hulk #605 The Incredible Hulk #606

Erica gives this comic two starsThe Incredible Hulk #604 by Greg Pak

Wait who again thinks it’s a good idea for Bruce/Hulk to have romantic relationships all the time?

If Bruce is trying so hard to save the world from the evils of the Hulk, shouldn’t he keep it in his pants? Especially when he assumes that that Harpy is Betty, while at the same time trying to make it with Kate. Fail.

But thankfully for Bruce’s conscious, the Harpy was actually Marlo Chandler, Rick Jones’ wife. And Rick was there all big and blue and Hulked-out. (Seriously, Rick is still Rick just blue? What does that say about Hulk powers these days? Or more importantly what does it say about how Bruce never should’ve saved Rick all those years ago out in the desert.) Then Marlo and Rick go have sex. Ewww.

Erica gives this comic three starsAll New Savage She-Hulk by Fred Van Lente

It’s nice to finally get some background on the women Lyra’s fighting. Doesn’t surprise me that they’re soldiers with PTSD and a criminal background. Seems like Van Lente’s been listening to a little too much NPR-lately as the women’s stories are a little too ripped from the headlines for comic books.

And of course, their biological changes are unstable.

I really loved when Lyra told them that they did have a choice. They could’ve said no to the experiments and died. Of course, Lyra very much has a code of honor where these women do not.

Erica gives this comic one star.The Incredible Hulk #605 by Greg Pak

This has to be the worst issue to date. First of all, Bruce endangers a lot of people. Not only to whatever random payback the Hulk is going to get, but the unpredictability of Skaar and the gamma radiation from inside the gamma shield. Yeah, I’d rather have the Hulk back now or Banner dead.

The whole Tyrannus plot was just silly. And it already seems like Skaar also doesn’t endanger people just like the Hulk avoided doing so. What was the point again of this? Except to have guest stars of the Fantastic Four.

Erica gives this comic three starsAll New Savage She-Hulk by Fran Van Lente

Oh, how I wish this comic was the main title.

I loved seeing Lyra best Axon in this issue. It was incredible smart of her to have Axon drain her powers and then get angry.

I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens next on Lyra’s journey. I also hope that she gets her own comic again, not just a back-up story. She’s way more interesting than Banner and son.

Erica gives this comic one star.The Incredible Hulk #606 by Greg Pak

This really wasn’t that great. I like Skaar hanging out with the Fantastic Four. That part was entertaining. Pak writes a pretty good FF.

I really wanted the opening dialog to be from Skaar’s mother, Caiera. Bruce is too much of a dickweed to say eloquent things about his son, especially since in the same issue he says he’d kill Skaar if he touched Betty.

Bruce continues to be confusing “really smart” with “really ridiculous.” He talks about Skaar right in front of him as if he wasn’t there. As much as I’m glad to have Sue get dialog, even if it’s about raising children, seriously hearing range.

Betty’s totally got some ass to kick. And I completely don’t get this Red Hulk and Bruce getting along thing. Seriously, it’s not mysterious just to not explain things. Dame Agatha Christie is turning in her grave.

Then there’s the Cosmic Hulk and Doom. Please tell that Cosmic Hulk is something Loeb brought into play. And the whole say my name? Seriously, am I in a room full of middle school boys?

Erica gives this comic two starsThe Right Direction by Harrison Wilcox

Gratuitous is an apt word for this story. Jesus. I really hate how my comic reviews make me sound like a prude with a stick up my butt. Gratuitous violence, boobs, girl-on-girl fighting, and Jennifer’s “death.”

Is this really the big things we have planned for She-Hulk as some editor told me at a convention?

Jennifer’s witty comments just don’t sound like Jennifer.

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