Comic book reviews for Power Girl #6, Power Girl #7, and Power Girl #8 by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
Power Girl #6 by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
I’m glad this plotline is finished. Okay, props to them for not writing about the stereotypical pirates and their bounty hunters. But seriously, the entire plot was one cliché after another.
Again, my favorite parts were not the fighting, just Kara and Terra hanging out with each other. And yeah, Kara really should know better than to change on rooftops in areas with high population density. Tall buildings don’t hide you when other people have the same views.
Power Girl #7 by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
Do Gray and Palmiotti really, really like stories about space invaders, or is this a Power Girl-book trend? All Kara’s stories so far have been very space invader-centric.
Poor Blue Snowman. She just can’t cut a break. I did enjoy Kara teaming up with Doctor Mid-Nite.
I love Amanda Conner’s art. The way she draws Power Girl is just awesome. (I’d love to see her work on She-Hulk.) Especially when I look at a solicit for another book involving Kara, I appreciate Conner’s depiction even more.
Vartox of Valeron is rather ridiculous, not to mention the infertility plot. Though I imagine he’s supposed to be. The writers are playing with yet another pulp novel staple and trying to turn it on its head. Wooing and romance are indeed silly.

Power Girl #8 by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
This was an awesome issue. I loved every bit of it. At first, I doubted this plotline; I didn’t know how Gray and Palmiotti were going to put a twist on the alien male suitor cliché.
First, we have the undefeatable monster. The more Power Girl and Vartox beat on the monster, the stronger the monster seems to get. I love that Kara figures out how to defeat it, by breaking it apart and thus dividing its power down to nothing.
I think in this issue more than the earlier one, Vartox ‘s ship as a giant head works really well as his literal ego. I love Kara and Vartox debating about dinner. After fighting those monsters, Kara has to be hungry.
Satanna and her animal minions crack me up. Badger is super hilarious. So are the tiger guards asking if they can eat Badger, but no, they just have to sedate him.
Vartox ‘s seduction outfits are too funny. Then coupled with this chaos in the kitchen. I really like how Vartox cooking — a stereotypical feminine trait — gives the reader a little tip off about the twist. I love that they end up at Kara’s favorite take-out place eating pizza. Because, yes, she is so a take-out foodie.
I love how subtle Kara’s opinion of Vartox has changed. Enough that she’s willing to hear his proposition out, and how while not explicit, there’s definitely a frank discussion about how much work it actually is for the woman to carry a child and give birth to it.
The fertility room is genius. As is Vartox ‘s disgust at the idea of sex for reproduction. I mean, how could Kara think of something as gross as that? And of course, when she realized the children weren’t going to be “hers” and she wasn’t going to carry them that she did help.
And, of course, Vartox would run off with a thanks and Kara would stand up for herself.
Both Gray and Palmiotti really surprised me with this plot. I loved how they turned the cliche on its head.