Reviews The Question #37 (Blackest Night tie-in)

Question #37Erica gives this comic five starsThe Question #37 (Blackest Night tie-in) by Dennis O’Neil and Greg Rucka

This issue made me really want to go back and read the 80’s Question series. I want to know more about Charlie and his life. The first few pages with the recaps of his life and deaths work so well to frame the story. A great kick-off to a great story.

This issue also made me so happy to have a full-sized issue dedicated to Renee’s storyline. I miss that. I miss having so much reading material at my fingertips. I love seeing her spunky and no-nonsense attitude.

But at the heart of it, this issue highlights the life of Tot Rodor. This said a lot about him that he purposefully pulled Charlie back into life and toward him and Renee. There are many questions, while Charlie asks, but it seems Tot’s always been the actual answer-seeker. In many ways, this is the burden of the side-kick. The researcher. The one left behind — whether on purpose or by situation — who tries to fill in the whys.

I love Shiva’s entrance. So her. Of course, she’s just going to show up, demanding a fight from Renee as warm-up, and Tot isn’t going to wonder why. That’s just Shiva.

At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Cowan’s art. His art style isn’t my taste. But surprisingly, it grew on me. I think he was paired up with a great colorist (David Baron), and Cowan does a wonderful job with facial expression and making his characters look different from one another. It makes his sketchy pad style really work here.

Overall, this was an exceptional issue. It worked well in the frame of the giant Blackest Night crossover, but it also stood as a solid story on its own about the passing of the Question’s mantel, including his friends and foes.

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