Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Mini-Series Comic Review

Comic book reviews for Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1, Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #2, and Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #3 by Anthony Johnston
Average rating: 3.3/5 stars.

Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1 Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #2 Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #3

Erica Gives This Comic Four StarsSpider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1 by Anthony Johnston
Art: Sebastian Fiumara

I am so excited for this book because I loved the Immortal Iron Fist books and the tales of the Immortal Weapons. When I saw this book was featuring the Bride of Nine Spiders, it went on my pull list. My only slight disappointment is that the Bride of Nine Spiders is the villain. I’m hoping that it has something to do with the spiders, and perhaps she’s not actually killing the other Immortal Weapons (such as Fat Cobra), but somehow trying to save them from Spider Island. *fingers crossed*

I haven’t read a comic before with Shang-Chi in it, but so far I’ve been enjoying his point-of-view. Johnston’s been doing a great job at writing. I really loved Shang-Chi’s exchange with Madame Web and his relationship with Danny.

The fight scene between the Bride of Nine Spiders and Danny and Shang-Chi was great. Johnston did an excellent job at incorporating kung fu moves without it seeming cheesy. (Which was something I always loved about the Immortal Iron Fist series.)

Fiumara’s art was great. I loved the way his lines move and how organic the entire comic felt. The flow was perfect. My only slight nitpick is that in some of the fighting scenes, there needed to be more background. Otherwise, I was really happy.

Erica gives this comic three starsSpider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #2 by Anthony Johnston
Art: Sebastian Fiumara and Leandro Fernandez

I liked Shang-Chi’s interactions with Silver Sable. She’s not a character that I know a lot about either, but they seemed to have a good vibe. Plus, it added a female character who wasn’t bad / under some kind of spell.

I’m both disappointed and a little relieved that the Bride of Nine Spiders has not gone evil. But if she’s supposed to be this all-powerful mystical warrior, I don’t understand how she could’ve gotten so easily manipulated. Considering there’s only one issue of this mini-series left, I don’t think there’s going to be a full explanation of what happened to her. You never know, but I doubt it. Ai Apaec’s appearance only kind of explains it. I mean, he is a god, after all.

The Bride’s house needed a lot more details. If it’s supposed to be so scary and full of illusion, it would’ve been great to have more of that element in the story.

Shang-Chi’s transformation was pretty freaky and should be interesting in the final issue. I’m glad that Iron Fist is okay, and I hope that all the rest of the Immortal Weapons she’s captured will be just as well off.

Erica gives this comic three starsSpider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #3 by Anthony Johnston
Art: Sebastian Fiumara and Leandro Fernandez

This mini-series ended a bit on a disappointing note for me. Mostly because the story went from being a weave of intrigue to a pretty straight-forward plot. Madame Web’s prophecy about Shang-Chi was perhaps too literal as he turned into a spider, but defeated it with Iron Fist’s help of chi.

I am glad that it was the weaker Immortal Weapons that were captured. At least, no Orphan Prince, which would’ve made zero sense.

Shang-Chi’s transformation got even more creepy. I thought both Fiumara and Fernandez did a good study of what humans-as-spiders and spiders actually look like.

I’m not really sure that dumping an entire house on Ai Apaec would actually stop him. Nor is it wise to leave it up to the Avengers to clean up.

Shang-Chi meeting up with Madame Web at the end nicely brought the story to a close. Shang-Chi is a fun character, and I hope to see him other books I’m reading.

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