Hope everyone enjoyed my queer comic book character profiles in celebration of queer history month. I put together a quick index just in case you missed some. Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters Index Wrap-Up 2010”
Queer Comic Book Characters: Achilles (Oct 6th)
A gay icon for decades, Wonder Woman finally got a gay friend. Okay, first she had a gay enemy. One who rides an awesome flying elephant named Mysia.
Achilles, aka The Olympian

Achilles came to Themyscira as part of Zeus’ attempt to force peace into the world. First, Achilles gets himself the heart of a god (Kane Milohai’s after Zeus kills him). Second, Achilles and his fellow Olympian soldiers (men) storm the U.N. building in DC. Wonder Woman shows up to stop him. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Characters: Achilles (Oct 6th)”
Reviews Wonder Woman #41, #42, and #43
Comic book reviews for DC’s Wonder Woman #41, Wonder Woman #42, Wonder Woman #43 by Gail Simone
Reviews Wonder Woman #38-40
Comic book reviews for Wonder Woman #38, Wonder Woman #39, and Wonder Woman #40 by Gail Simone
Reviews Wonder Woman #34, #36, and #37
Reviews Gail Simone’s Wonder Woman #34, Wonder Woman #36, and Wonder Woman #37