Hopeless Savages (Vol 1): Greatest Hits 2000-2010 by Jen Van Meter
Art: Christine Norrie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Chynna Clugston Flores, Ross Campbell, Andi Watson, Vera Brosgol, Becky Cloonan, Mike Norton, Tim Fish, Catherine Noorie, Meredith McClaren, and Terry Dodson
I’d been looking forward to reading Hopeless Savages for a long time. In fact, I’d spent a few years collecting the single issues when I’d find them in bins at comic shops before this handy-dandy trade came out. So when I had the chance to choose it as the July 2011 book for GeekGirlCon’s book club, I decided now was the time to read it. (It just took me a little longer to actually sit down to write my review.)
I pretty quickly fell in love with the Hopeless-Savages. Perhaps because part of me still has my punk rock heart and the other part of me loves a story about a caring, if odd, family.
Book 1: Hopeless Savages
I thought Van Meter did a wonderful job at introducing the family here. I have to say that just reading the description for this book, a tale about a family of punk rockers, Continue reading “Hopeless Savages (Vol 1): Greatest Hits 2000-2010 Graphic Novel Review”