March Book Three by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin
Art: Nate Powell
John Lewis is one incredibly inspiring person, and he knows how to focus on what’s important. The final chapter in this book wraps up through the Voting Rights Act and wind down of the Civil Rights movement. It is also full of more deaths — or at least, it seems like more people who Lewis knew personally died — than the other volumes. Perhaps they were just more specific. Or perhaps we knew the incoming ones.
It was amazing to see how many time Lewis and others were put in prison. Lewis himself was arrested over 40 times. Which is just mind boggling to think about. I appreciate how he continues to focus on his prison time, not as a badge of honor, but as a horrible lesson of the time and the continued legacy of a racist justice system.
I loved seeing Lewis’ journey to Selma and how he stopped at many of the same places as he did on the Freedom Ride. It was heartening to see the changes, such as the removal of segregation in the bathrooms. However, the signs being painted over, instead of replaced, showed that it was still evolving and still tense. Continue reading “March Book Three Graphic Novel Review”