Supreme Blue Rose #4, #5, #6, and #7 Comic Book Reviews

Since this review was posted, Warren Ellis was outed as an abuser. As comic books are a collective effort, this review will remain live, but I cannot in good faith recommend purchasing this book or other works by this person.

Comic book reviews for Supreme Blue Rose #4, Supreme Blue Rose #5, Supreme Blue Rose #6, and Supreme Blue Rose #7 by Warren Ellis and Tula Lotay
Average rating: 2.75/5 stars

Supreme Blue Rose #4 Supreme Blue Rose #5 Supreme Blue Rose #6 Supreme Blue Rose #7 Continue reading “Supreme Blue Rose #4, #5, #6, and #7 Comic Book Reviews”

Supreme Blue Rose #1, #2, and #3 Comic Book Reviews

Since this review was posted, Warren Ellis was outed as an abuser. As comic books are a collective effort, this review will remain live, but I cannot in good faith recommend purchasing this book or other works by this person.

Comic book reviews for Supreme Blue Rose #1, Supreme Blue Rose #2, and Supreme Blue Rose #3 by Warren Ellis and Tula Lotay
Average rating: 4/5 stars

Supreme Blue Rose #1 Supreme Blue Rose #2 Supreme Blue Rose #3 Continue reading “Supreme Blue Rose #1, #2, and #3 Comic Book Reviews”

Fairest: In All the Land Graphic Novel Review

Fairest: In All the LandErica Gives This Comic Four StarsFairest: In All the Land by Bill Willingham
Art: Chrissie Zullo, Karl Kerschl, Renae de Liz, Fiona Meng, Mark Buckingham, Phil Noto, Meghan Hetrick, Russ Braun, Tony Akins, Gene Ha, Tula Lotay, Marley Zarcone, Ming Doyle, Chris Sprouse, Nimit Malavia, Dean Ormston, Kurt Huggins, Adam Hughes, Al Davison, Shawn McManus, Inaki Miranda, and Kevin Maguire

This was perhaps one of the best Fables stories that I’ve read in a long time. It wasn’t interrupted by one of Willingham’s favorite characters that didn’t make sense. Cinderella had the whole narrative from beginning to end, and while she certainly had the help of others, she was the one who figured out the mystery and came up with a solution to the problem.

As much as I was excited to see that many of my favorite artists were working on this book, having the tale jump from artist to artist was a bit distracting. I really loved de Liz’s Cinderella and Hetrick’s Snow White. I was also surprised just how much I enjoyed Doyle’s art, which particularly worked with the ’60s flashback to Briar Rose’s all-girl band.

All that said, I did have a hard time getting into this book. Continue reading “Fairest: In All the Land Graphic Novel Review”