Hope everyone enjoyed my queer comic book character profiles in celebration of queer history month. I put together a quick index just in case you missed some. Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters Index Wrap-Up 2010”
Queer Comic Book Characters: Daria Hernandez (Oct 5th)
Daria is a pastry chef and the girlfriend of Renee Montoya. Created by Greg Rucka, she first appeared in Gotham Central during the “Half a Life” arc when Renee was outed by Two-Face to her coworkers on the police force.
Daria Hernandez

While she doesn’t appear very often, Daria serves as Renee’s emotional support. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Characters: Daria Hernandez (Oct 5th)”
Queer Comic Book Characters: Renee Montoya (Oct 11th)
In the introduction for Gotham Central: Half a Life trade paperback, author Greg Rucka writes, “Ordinary people have secret identities, too.”
Today is National Coming Out Day. As both a queer woman and an English major, I’ve read a million and one coming out stories. There are entire anthologies devoted to real life coming out stories and almost every LGBT fictional or biographical book has an embedded coming out story.
This is not to say that coming out, especially the first time(s) and to authority figures, isn’t a big thing. In fact, being out is a privilege that not all queer people have. However, in literature, this type of story becomes cliche or a safe tale to tell about the gay experience.
Then came along Renee Montoya and her coming out story in Greg Rucka and Michael Lark’s Gotham Central: Half a Life. It rocked my socks.
Renee Montoya
Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Characters: Renee Montoya (Oct 11th)”