Hope everyone enjoyed my queer comic book character profiles in celebration of queer history month. I put together a quick index just in case you missed some. Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters Index Wrap-Up 2010”
Queer Comic Book Character: Thunder (Oct 27th)
Anissa Pierce aka Thunder is the daughter of Black Lightening. She is a medical student, and her father does not want her to become a superhero and instead continue with her studies. After graduation, Anissa puts on her costume and a wig and goes out to fight as Thunder. She’s recruited almost right away by the Red Arrow to be part of the Outsiders.

Thunder has the power to increase her mass, while maintaining her volume. When she does this, she’s nearly immovable and almost invulnerable. Thunder also can create shock-waves while stomping on the ground. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Thunder (Oct 27th)”
Queer Comic Book Characters: Grace Choi (Oct 23rd)
Grace Choi is part Bana Amazon and metahuman. She has super strength, durability, and healing powers. Grace has mostly appeared in DC’s The Outsiders. She’s pretty distinct as a 7-foot-tall Asian American woman with many tattoos. Grace is known to date both men and women.
Grace Choi

As a child, Grace was caught in a prostitution ring. When her metahuman powers developed, she escaped her slavery. Before she was recruited by the Outsiders, she worked as a bouncer in Metropolis. Thankfully, this is where Grace’s horrible stereotype of a childhood ends and she comes into her own as an adult.
On the team, Grace is the muscle. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Characters: Grace Choi (Oct 23rd)”