Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #7, #8, and #9 Comic Book Reviews

Comic book reviews for Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #7, Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #8, and Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #9 by Alex De Campi, Neil George, Amy Chu, Bernard Chang, James Tynion IV, Noelle Stevenson, Heather Nuhfer, Ryan Benjamin, Lauren Beukes, Mike Maihack, Cecil Castellucci, and Chris Sprouse
Average rating: 4.3/5 stars

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #7 Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #8 Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #9 Continue reading “Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #7, #8, and #9 Comic Book Reviews”

Queer Comic Book Character: Scandal Savage (Oct 17th)

Scandal’s first appearance was in Villains United #1, and she was created by Gail Simone. She is the daughter of the immortal Vandal Savage. While she vows not to be like her father, Scandal is still a villain and an anti-hero. She sees the world as broken down between noble and ignoble actions.

Scandal Savage

Scandal Savage
Scandal Savage

Scandal was raised in Brazil by her human mother. However, Vandal came around to teach her combat skills and seemingly wanted her around as an heir. (How an immortal can have a true heir, I don’t know either.) He gave her a set of Lamentation Blades, which marked her as a Savage. Scandal also seemingly inherited some of his immortality, or at least, she has healing powers. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Scandal Savage (Oct 17th)”