Knockout is a female fury from the nightmare world Apokolips, where she was raised and trained by Granny Goodness. When Big Barda escaped Apokolips, Knockout followed in suite and traveled via boom tube to Earth. Like the other furies and New Gods, she’s a skilled warrior and possess super strength, durability, healing, and endurance.

When Knockout first arrives on Earth, she becomes a nuisance in Superboy’s life. At first, he helps her keep away the Female Furies who follow her to take her home. Superboy believes that Knockout could be a good person. However, after it’s revealed that she killed a policeman who got in her way, Superboy puts her in prison.
Later, when she’s free, Knockout joins the Secret Society of Super Villains as a mole for the Secret Six. She reveals her double-agent status when she aids her girlfriend, Scandal Savage, in a fight. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Knockout (Oct 21st)”