Cemetery Beach #1, #2, and #3 Comic Book Reviews

Since this review was posted, Warren Ellis was outed as an abuser. As comic books are a collective effort, this review will remain live, but I cannot in good faith recommend purchasing this book or other works by this person.

Comic book reviews for Cemetery Beach #1, Cemetery Beach #2, and Cemetery Beach #3 by Warren Ellis, Jason Howard, and Fonografiks
Average rating: 3/5 stars

Cemetery Beach #1 Cemetery Beach #2 Cemetery Beach #3 Continue reading “Cemetery Beach #1, #2, and #3 Comic Book Reviews”

Saga Vol 9 Graphic Novel Review

Saga Vol 9

Erica Gives This Comic Four StarsSaga Vol 9 by Brian K. Vaughan (writer), Fiona Staples (artist), and Fonografiks (lettering + design)
Rating: 4/5 stars

If Saga gets you emotional, get ready for Volume 9. Vaughan continues with the emotional punches, and in many ways, this feels like a wind down of the book. The team says they’re going on a break from this book, so it’s unclear just how long we’ll have to wait for Volume 10 and some conclusions.

This review is about to get super spoiler-filled, so do not continue to read it if you haven’t read Volume 9. Continue reading “Saga Vol 9 Graphic Novel Review”