Reviews Sif

Sif #1Erica Gives This Comic Four StarsSif by Kelly Sue DeConnick

I really love the art in this, both the cover and the inside. Travel Foreman and June Chung do an amazing cover. Here’s what you do when you want to draw a strong, active character. And hey look, she’s not wearing much clothing, but that’s not my focus. There’s no t&a here. It’s just beautiful all over.

I’ve blogged about Stegman’s art before, and I haven’t always been a fan. But here, I think he does a great job. And he doesn’t do the things I complained about. I love his Sif. I believe she looks like this. Particularly, I love her scenes where she’s not in her costume. And her “fight” with Mrs. Sooner, her landlady. In which she’s wearing a towel, and I still love it. Continue reading “Reviews Sif”