Hope everyone enjoyed my queer comic book character profiles in celebration of queer history month. I put together a quick index just in case you missed some. Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters Index Wrap-Up 2010”
Queer Comic Book Character: Christian Frost (Oct 8th)
I’m sad to say that I missed yesterday the 7th. I was foiled by my vacation and lack of internet access. No, not everyone’s grandma has the internet at her home. Anyway, without further ado…
Christian Frost

Christian Frost is Emma Frost’s older brother. He appears mostly in more recent back-stories concerning Emma and the rest of the Frost family. Christian was set to takeover the Frost empire and is portrayed as the least rebellious and the only non-mutant of all the Frost children. He was very close to his sister Emma. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Christian Frost (Oct 8th)”