Queer Comic Book Character: Jazinda (Oct 15th)

Jazinda was introduced in Peter David’s run on She-Hulk, where she becomes She-Hulk’s bounty-hunting business partner and roommate. Together, the two live in a mobile home and go after super-powered beings who’ve skipped on their bail.



Jazinda is a Skrull and the daughter of famous Super Skrull Kl’rt. Like most Skrulls, she has the ability to shape-shift into any form she chooses. Originally, Jazinda is sent on a mission to steal the Sy-Torak gem from the Kree. However, when her mission goes south, Jazinda swallows the gem in order to hide it. However, it ends up bonding with her body and making her immortal and unkillable. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Character: Jazinda (Oct 15th)”

Queer Comic Book Characters: Xavin (Oct 9th)

Transgendered characters are rather rare in comic books. Sure there’s the cliche of Superman waking up as a woman one morning and Wolverine being changed into a woman by a fellow mutant; but neither of them were actually transgendered. Xavin from Marvel’s Runaways actually is.



Born male, Xavin is a Skrull Prince and promised at a young age to marry Karolina Dean in order to make a treaty between the Majesdanians and the Skrulls. (Interestingly enough, Karolina’s parents always thought this would fail and set the marriage up for failure.) Xavin was in training to be a Super Skrull and idolizes K’lrt, the infamous Super Skrull who’s a frequent foe of the Fantastic Four. Like K’lrt, Xavin can mimic the powers of the Fantastic Four; however, she can only do one at a time and loud noises break her concentration. Continue reading “Queer Comic Book Characters: Xavin (Oct 9th)”