Comic book review for Marvel’s Spider-Woman #7 by Brian Michael Bendis
I really need to stop telling people which comic books I like. Because similarly to my favorite characters being killed on TV, my favorite comic books seem to bite the dust quickly when I announce to the world how much I love them. Goodbye, Spider-Woman.
Or for now anyway…
I’m not really sure why this comic ended. For the most part, it sounded like Maleev wanted a break or was bored or something. Wow, there are so many things about my 9-5 job that I find boring and wouldn’t it be great if I could just say, you know boss, this is boring, how about I just read comics and review them instead for a while? Brilliant.
I guess part of my disappointment is this comic was a teaser for years. In August 2008, Jason and I decided to order our Marvel titles directly from Marvel. We ended up not continuing due to the time it took for Marvel to ship them (sometimes over 1 month later) and the condition they arrived in. Yes, I actually had to complain about my regular postal deliverer to her boss. And my comics still got bent.
Anyway, when She-Hulk was canceled back in April 2009, Marvel moved my 8-issue left subscription to Spider-Woman. Spider-Woman #1 came out in November 2009. It was canceled at issue #7, which means I still have 1 issue left with Marvel. (I’ll be getting the new Black Widow comic.) Doomed, I tell you. Continue reading “Reviews Spider-Woman (Vol 4) #7”