Reviews for Ms. Marvel #39 by Brian Reed, The Mighty Avengers #25 by Dan Slott, and War of Kings #4 by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Continue reading “Reviews: Ms. Marvel, Mighty Avengers, and War of Kings”
From the Weekly Stack
Spoilers for New Avengers #50 by Brian Michael Bendis, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz #4 by Eric Shanower, and Echo #10 by Terry Moore
Weekly Round-Up: Marvel Universe
Spoilers for Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Ms. Marvel (Vol 2) #33 by Brian Reed, The New Avengers #47 by Brian Michael Bendis, She-Hulk (Vol 2) #35 by Peter David, and She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision by Peter David.
Weekly Comic Round-Up: Shipping and Ass Kicking
Spoilers for Secret Invasion #7 by Brian Michael Bendis, Ms. Marvel #31 and #32 by Brian Reed, She-Hulk #34 by Peter David, and The Authority #3 by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. This week’s all about the shipping, except for Ms. Marvel.
Continue reading “Weekly Comic Round-Up: Shipping and Ass Kicking”