I was going to actually review She-Hulk Vol 2 #38 by Peter David. It is the last issue of She-Hulk after all.
Then I saw this:
You know, eventually, I might’ve read another Peter David comic after the Scans_daily debacle. But now I’m pissed.
I’m pissed that Peter David thinks an ableist comment is an acceptable thing to print in a comic. I’m pissed that he think She-Hulk would say something like that. I’m pissed that this made it off an editor’s desk and to print.
There are times when characters are racist, sexist, ableist, and homophobic to serve the text and in a good text, these actions are condemned either by the narrative, plot, or other characters (see such texts as To Kill a Mockingbird). This is not one of those. She-Hulk is not ones of those characters; she’s a highly educated lawyer and a hero, who’s never expressed anything like this before even in moments of weakness when her friends were in peril. When her mother was killed by a mobster, She-Hulk went after him legally. She-Hulk had more grace in February 1980 than in March 2009.
Fail, Peter David. And fail, Marvel, for printing this.