Queer Comic Characters: Captain Janet McSapphic (Oct 24th)

I was going to do an entire entry devoted to all the Lesbian Pirates of I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!!. Then I considered doing separate entries for each, but they would take up a large part of the month. So instead, I decide to focus on my favorite Lesbian Pirate:

Janet McSapphic or The Captain

Captain Janet McSapphic

Full warning: I have only read the first arc, so please don’t spoil me for the rest. Yes, I know there are more available online. (Read I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!!) However, I want to support writer and artist Megan Rose Gedris and buy her comics in print. That and print will be good for re-reading when I’m 50+ and thinking about how awesome lesbian pirates in space are. I don’t want to relay on the Wayback Archive and my memory, especially to say “D’oh, it was deleted in the Great Google Disaster of 2032.” Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters: Captain Janet McSapphic (Oct 24th)”