I’ve had a lot of fun doing this series, and here’s the entire list of the LGBT characters who graced my comic blog for LGBT History Month.
Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters Index Wrap-Up”
Queer Comic Characters: Captain Janet McSapphic (Oct 24th)
I was going to do an entire entry devoted to all the Lesbian Pirates of I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!!. Then I considered doing separate entries for each, but they would take up a large part of the month. So instead, I decide to focus on my favorite Lesbian Pirate:
Janet McSapphic or The Captain
Full warning: I have only read the first arc, so please don’t spoil me for the rest. Yes, I know there are more available online. (Read I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!!) However, I want to support writer and artist Megan Rose Gedris and buy her comics in print. That and print will be good for re-reading when I’m 50+ and thinking about how awesome lesbian pirates in space are. I don’t want to relay on the Wayback Archive and my memory, especially to say “D’oh, it was deleted in the Great Google Disaster of 2032.” Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters: Captain Janet McSapphic (Oct 24th)”
Golden Age to Modern Age, and Tony Stark
Big Comic Round-Up: Secret Invasion, not so much
Spoilers for Wonder Woman #26, Uncanny X-Men #504, Secret Invasion: X-Men #4, Secret Invasion: InHumans #4, I Was Kidnapped by Lesbian Pirates From Space #6, Invincible Iron Man #7, Hulk #8, Deadpool #4, Avengers/Invaders #6, and Avengers: Fairy Tales #4.
Continue reading “Big Comic Round-Up: Secret Invasion, not so much”
Weekly Comic Round-Up
Spoilers for I Was Kidnapped by Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!! #4 by Megan Rose Gedris, The Mighty Avengers #19 by Brian Michael Bendis, Uncanny X-Men #503 by Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker, and X-Men Fairy Tales #4 by C.B. Cebulski.
Anniversary Comics Gluttony
Today was my boyfriend’s and my one year anniversary, so we went comic book shopping. Okay, I really wanted to go couch shopping…
Spoilers for Birds of Prey #91, Wonder Woman #25, The Invincible Iron Man #6, Final Crisis: Revelations #3, Avengers/Invaders #5, and I Was Kidnapped by Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!! #3.