Air (Vol 4): A History of the Future Graphic Novel Review

Air: A History of the Future Vol 4Erica gives this comic five stars

Air (Vol 4): A History of the Future by G. Willow Wilson
Art: M.K. Perker

I really enjoyed this volume. I think it brought the story right back to where it needed to go. Yes, Blythe getting her wings (her official hyperprax pilot’s license) was the next logic step in her story. It also provided some grounding, which I think the last volume lacked.

The stability of this story rang through extremely well in those first few pages. Just that fact that Blythe woke up next to Zayn without needing to search the universe for him provided a large helping hand to keeping this narrative very tight. I could not put Air Vol 4 down once I began to read it.

I love that Blythe takes Mrs. B and Fletcher with her on her adventures, and I felt that her meeting with Quetzalcoatl was really well done in that Blythe recognizes him fully as her crutch.

I thought it was a great tie-in that they go to Russia and meet up with their ballerina friend Valentin. And that they get to make a joke about him always being in his ballerina tights. A lost luggage storehouse does make a great vault for treasures. I can’t wait to find out how Jules Verne was able to write a novel all about Blythe’s life.

Renee becomes a lot more intriguing as a character in this story. Continue reading “Air (Vol 4): A History of the Future Graphic Novel Review”