iZombie (vol 2): uVampire Graphic Novel Review

iZombie (vol 2): uVampireErica Gives This Comic Four Stars

iZombie (vol 2): uVampire by Chris Roberson
Art: Michael Allred

iZombie continues to be packed with a lot of different storylines and tales to tease out of it. Allred’s art is still beyond awesome, and one of the most enjoyable parts of the book.

I love the story about Gwen as a human, which worked as both nice insight into her pre-death (definitely not one who believed in monsters) and as an introduction to Tricia, her former best friend.

The entire story of Spot and his grandfather Marvin was a little weak. As much as I appreciated backstory on Spot, it was a little too much all at once. We found out about Spot’s childhood, his entire relationship with his grandfather, how he became a wereterrier, and how he met Gwen and Ellie.

I’m still not quite sure why Spot didn’t go to Ellie earlier about advice Continue reading “iZombie (vol 2): uVampire Graphic Novel Review”

I, Zombie (Vol 1): Dead to the World Graphic Novel Review

I, ZombieErica gives this comic five stars

I, Zombie (Vol 1): Dead to the World by Chris Roberson
Art: Michael Allred

This is such a fun comic. It’s wondrously stylized and a gorgeous comic book. I, Zombie is a beautiful read. Even if it is about an undead woman that eats brains.

Roberson does a great job at setting up the characters. I appreciated that not all of them had met before, and that they all had different levels of knowledge about the supernatural. In five issues, Roberson sets up a lot of plots and a lot of stories that I can see becoming different arcs of the book.

Gwen as a character has a lot of heart. Continue reading “I, Zombie (Vol 1): Dead to the World Graphic Novel Review”