Preacher: Gone to Texas by Garth Ennis
Perhaps this book suffered too much pre-hype for me, because I read it years later after everyone had been ranting and raving about how awesome it was. (I think it’s good to mention this because it colors my review, not because I think it’s wrong to find this book awesome.) Perhaps I read Preacher too late in my own personal reading history to really appreciate it. Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy Preacher: Gone to Texas. It was entertaining. But when it ended, I didn’t really care if I went out and bought the next volume of it.
I found myself a bit jolted by how the book started off with Jesse, Cassidy, and Tulip in a diner, talking like old friends. I understand why Ennis didn’t want to tell a completely linear story, and how he wanted to jump into the real meat of it right away. However, the old friends is a problem. I assumed they all knew each other for a long-time. Of course, Jesse and Tulip have; they just haven’t seen each other in a good while. But Cassidy is a complete newcomer to them. Continue reading “Flashback Reviews: Preacher: Gone to Texas”