Comic book reviews for Storm #10 and Storm #11 by Greg Pak, Victor Ibanez, Al Barrionuevo, and Neil Edwards
Average rating: 3/5 stars
Storm #7, #8, and #9 Comic Book Reviews
Comic book reviews for Storm #7, Storm #8, and Storm #9 by Greg Pak, Al Barrionuevo, and Neil Edwards
Average rating: 3.3/5 stars
Storm #4, #5, and #6 Comic Book Reviews
Comic book reviews for Storm #4, Storm #5, and Storm #6 by Greg Pak, Victor Ibanez, and Al Barrionuevo
Average rating: 4/5 stars
Storm #1, #2, and #3 Comic Book Reviews
Comic book reviews for Storm #1, Storm #2, and Storm #3 by Greg Pak, Victor Ibanez, Scott Hepburn, and David Baldeon
Average rating: 4/5 stars
Reviews Hercules: Fall of an Avenger #1 and #2, plus Greek Tragedy backup
Comic book reviews for Marvel’s Hercules: Fall of an Avenger #1 by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, Greek Tragedy by Paul Tobin, Hercules: Fall of an Avenger #2 by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, and Greek Tragedy, Part II by Paul Tobin
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Reviews Incredible Hulk #607 and #608, plus backups, and World War Hulks #1
Comic book reviews for Incredible Hulk #607 by Greg Pak, Big, Red, and Deadly! by Harrison Wilcox, Incredible Hulk #608 by Greg Pak, Big, Red, and Deadly! by Harrison Wilcox, and World War Hulks by Jeff Parker, Harrison Wilcox, Scott Reed, and Paul Tobin
Continue reading “Reviews Incredible Hulk #607 and #608, plus backups, and World War Hulks #1”
Reviews Incredible Hercules #140 and #141 and Agents of Atas backups
Comic book reviews for Marvel’s Incredible Hercules #140 by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, Agents of Atlas by Jeff Parker, Incredible Hercules #141 by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, and Agents of Atlas by Jeff Parker
Continue reading “Reviews Incredible Hercules #140 and #141 and Agents of Atas backups”
Review The Incredible Hulk #604-606 and backups
Comic book reviews for The Incredible Hulk #604 by Greg Pak, All New Savage She-Hulk by Fred Van Lente, The Incredible Hulk #605 by Greg Pak, All New Savage She-Hulk by Fran Van Lente, The Incredible Hulk #606 by Greg Pak, and The Right Direction by Harrison Wilcox
Continue reading “Review The Incredible Hulk #604-606 and backups”
Reviews Assault On New Olympus, Incredible Hercules #138-139, and Agents of Atlas backup
Comic book reviews for Assault On New Olympus by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, Agents of Atlas by Jeff Parker, The Incredible Hercules #138 by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, Agents of Atlas by Jeff Parker, The Incredible Hercules #139 by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, and Agents of Atlas by Jeff Parker
Reviews Incredible Hulk #601-603 and All-New Savage She-Hulk backup
Comic book reviews for The Incredible Hulk #601 by Greg Pak, All-New Savage She-Hulk backup by Fred Van Lente, The Incredible Hulk #602 by Greg Pak, All-New Savage She-Hulk backup by Fred Van Lente, The Incredible Hulk #603 by Greg Pak, and All-New Savage She-Hulk backup by Fred Van Lente
Continue reading “Reviews Incredible Hulk #601-603 and All-New Savage She-Hulk backup”