Six Minor Characters I’d Elevate into Iconic Character Roles in Marvel and DC

I’ve thought a lot about how to bring comics into newer times, and I really think there needs to be some casting changes. Now I’m not saying we have to ditch the ionic characters, but it’s time to see other characters stepping up and becoming icons themselves. Not to mention, this might start attracting a bigger audience.

Six Minor Characters I’d Elevate into Iconic Character Roles

Pepper Potts as Rescue (Iron Man)

Pepper Potts as Iron Man

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Queer Comic Characters: Anole (Oct 27th)

The United States government did a study on youth suicide, which reported that LGBT youth are two to three times as likely their heterosexual peers to attempt suicide. Such depressing facts often get reflected on the page and become yet another gay stereotype in literature. Victor Borkowski (Anole) almost became a fictional X-Men statistic and bad cliche.

Victor Borkowski (Anole)


Initially a background character in the relaunch of the New Mutants, Anole’s young, openly gay, and looks like a reptile. He has superhuman speed, agility, and reflexes. His tongue’s sticky; he can crawl walls; and he can camouflage himself. Anole’s 16-years-old when he joins the Xavier Institute. Continue reading “Queer Comic Characters: Anole (Oct 27th)”