Comic book reviews for Marvel’s The Invincible Iron Man #30, The Invincible Iron Man #31, and The Invincible Iron Man #32 by Matt Fraction
Average rating: 4/5 stars.
The Invincible Iron Man #30 by Matt Fraction
I loved the showdown between Sasha Hammer and Tony Stark. Their bullshit plays off each other so well. I really enjoyed the playboy scenes, where Sasha was really trying to deflect his attentions. It worked well as a view of both of them.
Sasha is the supposed newly rich young women messing in something she can’t handle. Especially with how most people view young “inexperienced” women going off with older men. Though it’s pretty clear that she’s very capable. And I like the subtly that Fraction builds on her powers and how they expand.
I didn’t mind Iron Man beating her, mostly because I like the message of sustainable battery, that Sasha gave him a run for his money, and how Rescue really came to Rescue them. Not to mention Pepper and Mrs. Arbogast kept the party running, and they got more interest in Tony’s project.
Which, of course, was sabotaged from the inside.
The Invincible Iron Man #31 by Matt Fraction
I figured that Tony would know he had a spy. However, I kind of hoped he’d piece together just who is was and their Detroit Steel/Hammer connection before they were attacked. But I guess, what fun would that be?
I do like Tony determining who’s still loyal to him and that Pepper, Mrs. Arbogast, and Wyche are people he can trust. Also I enjoyed the admittance that he fired Wyche because Wyche was flirting with Pepper. (Tony must’ve never seen Happy coming.)
And who would’ve guessed that Sasha isn’t the most sane one?
I felt like the plot lacked something. And I almost don’t know if that’s because Fraction plotted it so well or if this was something of a set-up filler issue. I’m ready for more Pepper action.
The Invincible Iron Man #32 by Matt Fraction
This was the issue that had to happen. The Hammers have finally released their “video game” on Tony Stark, and it’s up to Tony, Pepper, and Rhodey to save the day. And not to mention the new green car that Tony’s team has built. I do have to admit that this whole crowd-sourcing for bad guy drones is a pretty awesome idea.
As far as battles, this didn’t draw me in. I’ve known for months that it would happen. Soon or later.
I’m also not surprised that Tony will be the one to save the day after both Pepper and Rhodey go down.
I did, however, really enjoy the conversation between Maria Hill and Tony. She’s still so pissed at him. But I’m shocked that she’s actually listening to him when he says not to send backup. I mean, doesn’t she know better by now?
Again at the end of the world with your pal Pepper Potts by Matt Fraction
First, I love stories about Pepper. Second, I love McKelvie’s art. This back-up story was a win-win for me. Yay.
I enjoyed that Pepper would see Happy in her daze. The slow reveal that it was the Jarvis computer and not Happy really worked for me, in that way that you know your spouse from other people. Pepper definitely would’ve noticed the difference between Happy and a computer.
Though I do have to say that I’m rather over AI crushes.
I love, love that Pepper’s in the world that Tony saw when he died. The dead desert world with Stark tech everywhere. I can see that this is going to be a good thing. A good thing in that it looks like Pepper’s key to helping stop armageddon.
Read all about Pepper saving the day, because that’s how I’m forever framing this book, buy Invincible Iron Man Vol. 6: Stark Resilient, Book 2.